MigRun provides high customer traffic for immigration consultants worldwide

You can receive up to 10 requests per month for your region. Help us to create relocation guides, then we will automate the process and get the clients for you.

How does MigRun work?

We know the most popular legal issues regarding relocation and immigration abroad. We automated them. All the requests for consultations in special cases and high-margin cases will be redirected to you.
Online Traffic & Leads Generation
MigRun tracker generates leads into paying customers. We create our own system to search for clients in the legal industry.
Save your time on routine
MigRun team communicates with clients via chat and personal calls and divides them into groups: passive income holders, freelancers, businessmen. After, provide clients with all the necessary information.
Find the high-margin cases for you
If clients have a complex case, we will refer them for a paid consultation with our partners.

Meet the new partners
Get more customers through the recommendations of partners! We organize webinars with our partners to exchange experiences and news on the topic of tax and immigration laws. For partners, it is free of charge.

Who are we looking for?

In each country, we cooperate with at least three specialists from each specialization: immigration consultants, accountants and tax advisors, lawyers, and real estate agents.

  • Emigration consultants

    To advise clients on all major immigration issues, help develop a personal immigration strategy for clients
  • Accountants and tax advisors
    To advise clients on issues related to the tax regime and optimization of immigration taxes, as well as to assist in the development of tax strategies
  • Lawyers
    To represent the clients in court, and file an appeal. If the consulate refuses a visa of the client, but all documents are prepared well, the lawyer will assist the client to defend his/her rights and file an appeal.

  • Realtors
    For assistance in finding real estate, as well as for the translation and certification of all documents. An interpreter must accompany clients to the immigration office when submitting documents.

Let's Eliminate Bureaucracy Together!

The mission of MigRun is to eliminate bureaucracy and make the immigration process much easier for expats around the world.

MigRun has found a way to automate literally every step of a migrant: from obtaining a certificate of good conduct to uploading tax returns and receiving certificates from banks.

You will make money in special cases with a high margin and provide specific legal services that clients can't deal with themselves.

What do we want from you?

To put it simply, the information for instructions, guides, and requirements of immigration services and laws.
  • 1
    Help us write and simplify instructions
    The main principle of the service is that we do not make money on basic information. Therefore, it is better to give information for free: checklists for obtaining visas and residences, lists of schools, examples of documents and certificates, examples of correctly filling out questionnaires, etc.
  • 2
    Update instructions once laws change
    It is important that these instructions are up to date, you need to check them at least once every 2 weeks. If there is any change in the requirements of consulates and services, just tell us and we will add the change to the tracker.
  • 3
    Answers to difficult questions
    In the beginning, the services need your communication via chats with potential immigrants. Each answer is automatically sent into the database of answers and in a few months, most of the questions will be answered by the robot.

How does it work?

Conclude a cooperation agreement
Create instructions with you
Help to answer in the chat

We automate the work process


More than a thousand people use our tracker every week around the world


6% of users ask for help and order consultations from lawyers, accountants, and consultants for their immigration cases


70% - you get from the cost of consultation on the site

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Portorica Innovation UNIPESSOA LDA
Avenida da Liberdade, nº 144, 4º andar
1250-146, Lisboa, Portugal