Simplify Your Immigration Journey
Get your residence permit within 5 months. Find out all essential info and tips with less bureaucracy, and legal expenses.

We’ve put together an extensive guide for your relocation around the world with clear answers and in an accessible language.

Easy I Forever free I Safety
world without borders
All instructions for immigration in one place
Track your progress, get all the documents and templates you need to move to any country. Lifehacks, real consulate requirements, and the experience of hundreds of immigration consultants and thousands of emigrants.
Ready to move to the European Union and have started gathering information about the necessary documents and other requirements

You can use the MigRun Tracker if you:
Find unstructured advice that immigrants provide from their own experience
Do not completely trust the services of lawyers and do not want to overpay for obvious advice.

Have already tried to prepare the documents yourself. However, the requirements of the consulates are not clear and raise more questions than answers

Immigration is not as hard as it looks

The MigRun Tracker will make the immigration process simple and affordable for you, and most importantly, it will save your time. However, if you will have any questions, our consultants will be glad to help you.
Freelancers, nomads, and remote workers
Living and working in developed countries is easy. Find out a relocation guide with less bureaucracy.

Entrepreneurs and startup founders
Check out how to relocate a company or launch a business abroad within 5 months.
Passive income holders and others
Choose the country that suits your needs using MigRun Tracker.
All-in-one Tracker
Using MigRun tracker, you can handle the immigration process by yourself.

If you have a complex case and you don't know how to start the process - don't worry, we are here to help you!

MigRun Tracker
Made by lawyers & expats worldwide
Save thousands of euros & dozens of hours
Simple guide
In general, the process of obtaining an EU residence permit costs €3000+ and 60+ hours spent

Now you don't need to waste your time searching for answers, understanding the nuances of the process, and communicating with lawyers.
We clearly described the requirements of the immigration services and provide answers to controversial issues.

Content is written by consultants and lawyers with 600+ successful relocation cases.

The information is verified by lawyers and the community

  • Verified & Checked
    The information is verified by three independent lawyers, as well as accountants and consultants. They are licensed by the country where you are going to immigrate.
  • The tracker is open to everyone
    You can collect all the information from various sources and check the authenticity of the MigRun Tracker yourself.

Family Relocation or Business Immigration

Once you obtain a European residence permit, you and your family will be able to live, work, study, and build a business across the European Union.
Portugal is an inexpensive country to live in, with a 0% tax on foreign income. This is one of the few EU countries where you have the right to obtain Portuguese citizenship within 5 years of residence. A high level of security, an eco-friendly environment, and a good attitude towards immigrants make Portugal an ideal country for immigration.
Slovakia has the lowest crime rate among European countries. Students have chosen Slovakia for its free and high-quality education, and entrepreneurs are for the ease of doing business. You can easily register a company or individual entrepreneur, and taxes are not as high as in other EU countries.

Why is the MigRun tracker free and how do we earn on it?

We believe that information about immigration should be simple and accessible to everyone. We earn on complex and atypical cases, as well as providing legal assistance in obtaining tax numbers, opening bank accounts, relocating companies. Moreover, we also earn money from consultant's fees that involved working with special situations.

Obtaining Tax number & Openning a Bank account
To apply for a residence permit, you need to have a tax number and a bank account. For example, in Portugal, it is necessary to obtain a NIF number (tax number).

Our experts will assist you to get NIF within a few days, and open a bank account in a few weeks.
photo of immigration consultant
Handling Complex Immigration Cases
We have firsthand knowledge of the struggles you face. The consultation will give you the opportunity to outline your case and receive expert legal advice from an experienced immigration lawyer with a detailed plan for the future process.

If there was not enough time for consultations, you will receive it by email or on an additional phone call with a consultant.

photo of personal assistant in Portugal
Personal Immigration assistant
Your Personal Immigration Assistant will accompany you in every step of the immigration process, as well as develop a strategy for your specific case.

Moreover, the assistant will help you to apply for all authorities, assist with preparing all the necessary documents, and even do some for you.

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Portorica Innovation UNIPESSOA LDA
Avenida da Liberdade, nº 144, 4º andar
1250-146, Lisboa, Portugal