Family reunification in Portugal

The easiest way is to get a residence permit for one of the family members who have more income and then bring the family to Portugal.

How does a family reunion work?

After you have received a residence permit, your family also becomes eligible for a residence permit. The process is called reunification (Reagrupamento familiar) and is divided into 3 types.
for family members who are not yet in Portugal (Article 98 par 1. - remember to complete the application form and record at the immigration office)
for family members who are already in the country (Article 98, paragraph 2. - arrived within the Schengen area and stayed)

How to make an appointment for family reunification in Portugal?

Wait for new family reunion slots to open (you need to check on the official SEF (immigration service) Facebook page (do not be surprised, at the moment this is the only source of information on this article). Usually, it appears once every 2 months, and you can make an appointment in the next 2-4 months.
The official SEF phone numbers +351-217-115-000 or +351-965-903-700 (get ready to call for a long time)
After, you need to provide your relative's residence permit data and family members' passport data, as well as your current Schengen visa number.
Visit the SEF on the appointed day with the list of documents you will find below

Family members eligible for a residence permit through family reunification in Portugal

Only spouses, children, parents, and minor brothers and sisters under your care are eligible for a residence permit for reunification. Indirect relatives cannot obtain a residence permit.
Children under 18 years old are reunited based on a birth certificate or an adoption certificate.

Children over 18 years old could be reunited if they are:
  • not married
  • provided by parents
  • studying at an educational institution in Portugal
Parents also have the right to be reunited with the residence permit holder if:
  • you can show an income of 50% of the minimum 705 euros per month
  • provide proof of accommodation for parents
  • parents over 65 are considered dependents of the residence permit holder
  • parents of retirement age up to 65 provide a certificate of pension not exceeding 705 euros and automatically become dependents
  • parents of pre-retirement age will have to collect a package of documents proving their financial dependence on children, as well as the need to help children raise their grandchildren while they work

There are 2 ways how to get family residence

Your family is not yet in Portugal (art. 98.1)
If your family members are not in Portugal yet, the process is divided into 2 steps:
  • apply for a D6 visa at the Portuguese Consulate in your country;
  • register with the SEF (immigration service) after their arrival and apply for a residence permit
MigRun offers the detailed instructions on how to get a D6 visa in Portugal for your family.
To obtain a D6 visa, you will need to collect this package of documents for each family member
When your family receives a D6 visa, they can receive a residence permit within 120 days. Often, an entry in the SEF is issued automatically upon receipt of a visa. If not, you will need to call and make an appointment. You will be issued a 100% residence permit within 4 months.
Important! If your family is already in Portugal, they can apply for family reunification without obtaining a D6 visa. They must attach boarding passes or other documents as evidence of the legal entry into Portugal territory. Even if they violated the period of stay on a Schengen visa, the immigration service will issue a residence permit but may force you to pay a fine (which does not apply to children).
If your family can come with a valid visa they should:
  • make an appointment with SEF by phone;
  • provide data of your residence permit, passports of family members, and the number of the current visa 
  • visit the SEF on the appointed day with a package of documents
You will need to collect this package of documents for each family member

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us by email or telegram chat!

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The main condition for a passive income visa is to be able to demonstrate that you receive regular passive or remote income - from 705 euro per month, which may be also derived from a freelance, rental, dividends, pensions, or certain categories of investment income.
The D2 business visa isn’t as accessible as the D7 visa. To apply for that you must set up a company and pay taxes & salary to yourself for at least 4-6 months. In addition, it is better if you conclude contracts with Portuguese companies.

Why is the MigRun Tracker free and how do we earn on it?

We believe that information about immigration should be simple and accessible to everyone. We earn on complex and atypical cases, as well as providing legal assistance in obtaining tax numbers, opening bank accounts, relocating companies. Moreover, we also earn money from consultant's fees that involved working with special situations.
To apply for a residence permit, you need to have a tax number and a bank account. For example, in Portugal, it is necessary to obtain a NIF number (tax number).

Our experts will assist you to get NIF within a few days, and open a bank account in a few weeks.
We have firsthand knowledge of the struggles you face. The consultation will allow you to outline your case and receive expert legal advice from an experienced immigration lawyer with a detailed plan for the future process.

If there was not enough time for consultations, you will receive it by email or on an additional phone call with a consultant.
Your Personal Immigration Assistant will accompany you in every step of the immigration process, as well as develop a strategy for your specific case.

Moreover, the assistant will help you to apply for all authorities, assist with preparing all the necessary documents, and even do some for you.
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Avenida da Liberdade, nº 144, 4º andar
1250-146, Lisboa, Portugal