Residence permit through the opening business in Portugal (Article 89.2)

Portugal is the most loyal country for immigration. It is one of the few countries in Europe where it is possible to get an EU passport even for a tourist. If you are already in Portugal, and you are not planning to return home in the next few years, then you and your family have the opportunity to legalize through the opening of an individual entrepreneur or company in Portugal (Article 89.2).

Who is eligible for legalization through the registration of an individual entrepreneur or company?

A residence permit through the opening of an individual entrepreneur in Portugal is one of the easiest ways to legalize in Europe. This type of residence permit is ideal for:

Digital Nomads
If you are a digital nomad and decide to settle in a sunny country by the ocean, then that could be the solution for your case in Portugal.

If you are an entrepreneur and decide to immigrate to Portugal searching for greener pastures, then residence through business will be an ideal solution for you.

How to get a residence for business owners in Portugal?

4 steps you need to go through to get a Portuguese residence permit:

Prepare documents
Before leaving, it is necessary to prepare a marriage certificate, birth certificates for children and certify all documents with an apostille. And also we advise you to leave a power of attorney to the relative in order to send documents, if necessary. Register online for the submission of documents and visit the consulate of Portugal in your country.
Move to Portugal
Upon arrival: keep your boarding pass, or spend the night at the hotel to prove legal entry into the country. Next, you need to open a tax number (NIF), conclude a rental contract (minimum for a year), and open a bank account
Open a company or individual entrepreneur (Recibos Verdes)
Register an individual entrepreneur or company in Portugal, request a social security number (NISS) and start your business activity. It is necessary to conduct business and pay taxes before applying for a residence permit.
Apply for a residence permit
Now, you need to wait for your turn in the SEF, however, you will have to wait a long time from 2 years 2 months to 3 years. All this time, you and your family will not be allowed to leave the territory of Portugal until you receive a residence permit card.
  • Content verified by Irina Klimenko Professional immigration consultant since 2017. She has 0 refusals to issue a residence permit in Portugal.
  • Based on SEF & Consular requirements
    All instructions are checked for compliance with the requirements of the immigration service, consulates, and current cases.

Obtaining a residence permit

After you have entered the territory of Portugal, you must immediately obtain NIF, open a bank account and find a long-term rental contract. Next, open an individual entrepreneur or company and do business in the country. Based on your business activity you will be able to request a residence permit under Article 89.2, in accordance with the current Portuguese migration legislation. Further, you will be able to reunite the family and after 5 years of legal residence, apply for Portuguese citizenship.

Below you will find the entire list of documents with links on where to get them yourself. If you have any questions - contact us.
  • 1
    Follow the instructions (watch below)
  • 2
    If something is not clear - write to the chat. The lawyer will provide the answers.
  • 3
    Before submitting, check the list of all documents
В русскоязычных группах вам предложат сделать NIF за цену от 150 до 600 евро. Знайте — это обдирательство. Это будут обосновывать ответственностью "налогового поручителя", но если вы почитаете законодательство, то не найдете ничего про эту ответственность, кроме как за то, чтобы пересылать вам письма от органов. Так что справедливая цена не выше 150 евро за помощь, и то, можно при желании сделать бесплатно, если есть друзья португальцы.
Это просто районная администрация. Прийти вместе с другом и оплатить пошлину около 6 евро (не забудьте паспорт). 
Сertificate of police clearance
The police clearance certificate has an expiration date of 3 months. If you did not have time to submit documents to the SEF by this time, then a certificate of good conduct must be ordered at the consulate of your country. Remember, if you have lived for more than six months in another country, you must also provide a certificate of good conduct from that country.
To rent an apartment and open a Portuguese bank account, you need a local tax number called NIF. You can get it remotely. This will require a fiscal representative (any person with permanent residence or citizenship, not necessarily a lawyer or consultant) in Portugal. This can be done inexpensively in various online services (see instructions). If you already have a passport from another EU country, Iceland or Norway, a tax representative is not required.

Get professional assistance
In order to obtain a residence permit, you need to prove the availability of sufficient means of subsistence from 705 euros per month and provide at least one tax receipt. You can open a bank account remotely through a representative or in person without a representative.
Get professional assistance
You need to provide an annual rent contract or a contract for the purchase of real estate or a certificate from the housing and communal services (confirmation of legal residence) in Portugal.
Get professional assistance
Opening a company or individual entrepreneur is easy, even with just a foreign passport and NIF. If you are a non-resident, then you will need a representative who is a Portuguese citizen or a person with permanent residence who has already opened the business in Portugal. Finanças (Tax office) requires a representative in case you have VAT obligations and you leave the country. It is better than the established capital is not less than 2-3 thousand euros. More details are in the instructions.
Contact us

To obtain NISS, you must contact the Segurança Social office and provide certain documents:

Congratulations! You are one step away from getting a residence permit. It remains to find confirmation of contracts if you provide a service, then contracts with suppliers or with customers (preferably with Portuguese companies).
To obtain a residence permit in Portugal under article 98.2, it is necessary to pay taxes in Portugal all the time before applying to the SEF.

It remains only to fill out a short questionnaire, choose a convenient date and submit the documents. They will be considered up to 90 days but maybe faster.
After you receive a residence permit card, your family also has the right to reunite with you and receive a residence permit. Remember that the main condition is to convince the SEF that you are financially independent. You must show at least 705 euros for yourself + 50% for spouse + 30% for each child. If the parents are divorced, then provide permission to live with you from the other parent.

Why is the MigRun tracker free and how do we earn on it?

We believe that information about immigration should be simple and accessible to everyone.
We earn on complex and atypical cases, as well as providing legal assistance in obtaining tax numbers, opening bank accounts, relocating companies. Moreover, we also earn money from consultant's fees that involved working with special situations.
To apply for a residence permit, you need to have a tax number and a bank account. For example, in Portugal, it is necessary to obtain a NIF number (tax number).

Our experts will assist you to get NIF within a few days, and open a bank account in a few weeks.
We have firsthand knowledge of the struggles you face. The consultation will allow you to outline your case and receive expert legal advice from an experienced immigration lawyer with a detailed plan for the future process.

If there was not enough time for consultations, you will receive it by email or on an additional phone call with a consultant.
Your Personal Immigration Assistant will accompany you in every step of the immigration process, as well as develop a strategy for your specific case.

Moreover, the assistant will help you to apply for all authorities, assist with preparing all the necessary documents, and even do some for you.
После того,
как получили визу
в разработке
Поздравляем! Вы в шаге от того, чтобы получить ВНЖ.
Ниже небольшая инструкция что делать теперь.
Часто SEF ставит запись сразу в визу. Пройдите по ссылке, и посмотрите когда она. Если слишком поздно, ты мы можем вам помочь записаться пораньше.
Запишите меня пораньше
На самой встрече вам дадут заполнить анкету. Лучше заполнить ее заранее, чтобы сэкономить и свое время, и время офицера службы.
Скоро будет пример заполнения
Обновить автомобильные права (если есть) 
Вы можете только полгода ездить с российскими правами, поэтому лучше пойти получить местные. Отечественные у вас отнимут, но если они вам зачем-то еще понадобятся, у себя в стране восстановите как потерянные.
Записаться на обновление
Обновить адрес в карточке
Если вы поменяли адрес проживанию вместо того, что вы указывали при получении визы, то вы должны в течение двух недель об этом сообщить и получить новую карточку. Не затягивайте, иначе можно получить аннулирование резиденции.
Записаться на обновление
Сделать NHR (0% налог на зарубежные доходы)
NHR нужно получить как только вы получили карточку резиденции. Это можно сделать и раньше, но лучше быть уверенным, что вы останетесь в Португалии точно. 
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Portorica Innovation UNIPESSOA LDA
Avenida da Liberdade, nº 144, 4º andar
1250-146, Lisboa, Portugal